Ocean life: Power and Spirituality relationship from new viewpoint

Recently I was thinking about the concept of wealth and why some (religious) people see it as a negative thing. I tried to explain it by an…

· 2 min read
Ocean life: Power and Spirituality relationship from new viewpoint
Ocean Life by Pera Manic

Recently I was thinking about the concept of wealth and why some (religious) people see it as a negative thing. I tried to explain it by an example by Fish and the Ocean.

The story starts like this:
If we say that spirituality (God, power, …) is water and we are fish in this ocean who don’t feel the water.

And if we say that wealth and power are like how fast you are and how near you are to the surface of the ocean, the more powerful you are, the faster you move and the closer you are to the surface, which is not bad by itself. You get more oxygen.

Other relations are as follows:

  1. Not every type of fish needs that much oxygen can bear the warmness (or coldness) of the area near surface.
  2. Also, not every fish can bear the (sometimes) water pollution in that area which is polluted by some other creatures. (Water in itself is pure and make everything clean too)
  3. Because the fish is more robust here, if they are over-ambitious to go even higher (while there isn’t any water up there and you really need it, because you know it’s out of oxygen there) or they choose a wrong direction, they will leave the nature they are built for and if the time out of the water is too much, they will be dead while returning to the water, or even worse, get caught and eaten by a bird. But this kind of death is not like the one you know, no one will feel it, but they are dead in their heart, they transformed from a pure clean fish to a polluting fish by their disgusting smell and color as they are dead.

The point is that not everyone is built for taking power and why power in itself is not bad. It is just our behavior that makes it bad or good. I don’t want to repeat cliché quotes about this topic again. My goal was just to give a new framework to think about all these stuff and how the might (not) work.

Let me know your feedbacks about it, thank you.